mainsqueeze's Diaryland Diary


We Celebrated

Geez- It's been, what, a week since I updated? About that? I've been busy, incredibly busy, being lazy. Laziness has taken up all of my spare time. I am the Laziness Champ of the World. Sigh.

I found (and this isn't as strange as it sounds, since I leave money in all sorts of weird places) a one hundred-dollar bill under a tin in my kitchen. One hundred extra dollars. Of course, I promptly went out and spent thirty-five on season one of BTVS. Bills, shmills. I watched all twelve episodes in two days, and now I'm lifting up tins all over the apartment hoping to find enough to buy the second installment. I also decided that it would be a good idea to re-read all of my childhood favorites. Most of my old books now belong to my ten-year old sister, but I held on to a few- James and the Giant Peach, The BFG, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, The Secret Garden, and so-on. Alice was my all-time favorite for years and years. My Mother had this antique edition- binding frayed, cover flapping- on a high shelf in my room, and when I was about seven or eight, I pulled it down and read it over and over again. It eventually fell apart completely- I think I left it in the car after a road-trip- but I bought a paper-back copy from a friend's used book store, and I've been reading that one. I've always strongly identified with Alice, you know, all the day-dreaming, and how other people may think it's all nonsense, but she knows better. I know better. I had a fairly rough child-hood, not as bad as some, but still pretty bad. Abusive step-father, meek Mother, no money, never any money. I used to spend hours in my room reading, and daydreaming about growing up and being strong enough to defend my Mother, and to defend myself. How did I get here? Why am I talking about this?

Anyhow, Mom and I are both better now. She's loud and sometimes bossy and brash, and she isn't afraid anymore. I'm not either. Still love reading, though. Always will.

OH! This was a big one- I met Matt's daughter. He came to pick me up from work last week, and Keegan (that's her name, isn't it great?) slept in the car with Ozzie and Adrian. I climbed into the backseat, right next to her little safety seat, and I stared and stared. She was asleep, but sometimes she would open her mouth or make noises, or kick her tiny feet around. I couldn't stop looking at her. Sometimes, I'd lift the edge of her blanket to look at her hands -They were so, so small, really little- and she'd squirm and fuss until I put the blanket back. It was just... It was Wow. Wow.

Anyhow, Lise's birthday is tomorrow, and I have to go and get her a present. I'm buying her- Surprise!- books. She's a reader, too. I hope she's gets as much out of it as I did.

5:22 p.m. - 2003-05-30


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