mainsqueeze's Diaryland Diary



Phrases I never uttered during my childhood years:
-I'm done watching tv, Mom!
-I'm ready to go exercise now, Mom!
-I want to clean my pigsty of a room, Mom!
-I want to be a Starbucks supervisor when I grow up, Mom!
Because Moth. Er. FUCK. I know, I know, I've been all about the job-hating lately, and it is probably getting just a wee bit boring for you all to hear about, but seriously, now, take a minute to soak it in: I am the manager--Nay, not even that, but the ASSISTANT MANAGER--of two mother-effing Starbucks' in a ginormous, impersonal casino which is just one of its kind in a ginormous, impersonal corporation. I AM NOW OFFICIALLY A TOOL. I realized this as I feverishly flipped through my Starbucks set-up guide--which I must follow to the letter, mind you--this afternoon. I am a cog. A teeny, underpaid, overworked, mistreated little fucking cog. Actually, my particular Evil Corporation pays me quite well, but my employees are malicious assholes who report my every comment to my boss as "meeeeeannnn" and accuse me of "pulling rank" (which is super funny 'cause I AM A STARBUCKS ASSISTANT MANAGER. HOW MUCH "RANK" DO I *REALLY* HAVE TO PULL, ANYWAY?) and a co-worker (who is technically my employee but since she had to break her back training me in the various ways of pouring shit and mixing franken-coffee powder with water, she feels and has even said, ver-fuckin'-batim, that she feels like I'm HER assistant. Anyway, this was all inspired by said co-worker's fun little habit of never communicating anything, ever, which is a problem in a job like mine. My thoughts this afternoon: Hmmmm, do I need to order the foul, gross, overpriced coffee of the week for next week, or did co-worker do it? She didn't log it down anywhere or tell me about it and there is nobody else I can ask-- I know, I'll call her! Co-worker's response to my well-meaning phone call: LEARN TO MAKE A DECISION! I am SICK of carrying you, you need to stand on your own two feet! I don't CARE what you do!
WELL, PARDON THE FUCK OUT OF ME, I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU WOULD ALSO HAVE A NEW ASSHOLE CREATED FOR YOU IF I DIDN'T ORDER OUR GODDAMN COFFEE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LOG YOUR FUCKING ORDERS LIKE YOU SHOULD! What I actually said was, "Yep," and then I hung right the fuck up in her ear. She was probably too busy hanging up on me at the same time to notice. But I'm the mean one. Yeah. Right. I'm debating whether or not I should just let it go or call her on it when I see her on Friday. On the one hand, she really does help me out when it comes to learning the ropes, but on the other, if I don't address her shitty-ass attitude now, it may only continue and get worse. I guess I'll have to "learn to make a decision" within the next couple of days.
Hey, in other news, I really miss my friend Jody, who used to analyze my dreams over lunch and was creepy insightful. Now, I don't necessarily believe that a person's dreams reveal a ton of shit that they don't already know, but from time to time, they can shed a little light on certain situations. So, my dream from last night? Zombies. And then zombie robots, and then a zombie bigfoot. Plus I tried to ride a baby burro. So, I could use Jody right about now. Sigh.

7:59 p.m. - 2008-01-06


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